This is something we hear from many companies. The technical term for when a visitor to your website actually takes action by either calling you or filling out a contact form and sending it to you is called a “conversion”.
Why visitors aren’t calling isn’t really that hard to figure out. Most websites are informative about who they are and the services they offer. They’re not really a “sales pitch” on why someone should go to a particular company to get the services they’re looking for. But, do you really want your website to be a “billboard” that tries to sell your services? That’s a tough call.
If you make your website too “sales oriented”, you may turn off a lot of visitors. So, how do you convince a visitor to your website that they should at least call you to see if you’re the one they should do business with? We all know that word-of-mouth is probably the best way to get business. So, how can you show your website visitor what others think of your services? Many websites have “Testimonial” pages that of course have praising comments from past customers. But, how many people really go to these pages and read these comments? Do you? Maybe, but I’ll bet you’re one of few. OK, so what do you do? How about a (small) testimonial video that automatically runs when someone visits your website? I’ve seen these on some websites and they usually catch my interest because I do want to hear what others have to say about the service that company provides.
This would take some work, of course, because you have to get those “devoted” customers to be willing to promote your business on video. And then, who should make the video? It doesn’t have to be a “high-end” production. Your basic “You-Tube” quality video will work fine. Just be sure the people speak clearly and loud enough that it comes through well. Keep the video down to a minute or less. People tend to “tune-out” after this time and it can actually make them loose interest.
Check with your website design company to see if this is a service they offer.