5 Things All Small Business Websites Should Include

When considering what to include on your website and how to include it, it’s important to always look at things from your potential client’s point of view. A good website will always hold a delicate balance between providing your customers with the information they’re looking for while working in the things you want them to know about you that they’d never think to ask. Don’t forget to include the following.

1. What Makes You Unique
A potential customer may not come to your website looking to learn about you and your company as much as they are just looking for whether or not your services or products will meet their needs at a price they can afford.

But more and more these days, people are interested in the “who” behind the “what”. When you tell them what makes your business unique, who you are, and what you’re all about, you tap into their emotions. And studies show that emotions, far more than any product description or price tag, is the place from which people end up making their decisions.

2. Crystal Clear Calls to Action (CTAs)
What is your goal in bringing people to your website? If you’re not clear on that, then your visitors won’t be either, and they may end up leaving. Give them clear steps to take, like “signing up for a newsletter” or “buying now”.

3. Clarity Counts
By now you may be tired of hearing it, but it doesn’t make it any less true: you’ve got about 3 seconds once someone lands on your site to grab their attention. If they don’t find what they’re looking for, and find it easily, they will move on to your competitors.

On your home page, keep it general with links to more specifics. You don’t want to overwhelm them with information, but you also want to make sure that they see the spectrum of what you’ve got to offer.

4. Detailed Contact Information
Many people assume that since the majority of sales interactions happen online, they no longer need to include old-fashioned telephone numbers and street addresses. And while the majority of potential clients may be perfectly happy doing everything virtually, a real phone number and address can go a long way toward establishing trust, legitimacy, and credibility. It’s also best if your number is not an 800 number.

5. Security, Security, Security
If you’ve been reading our blogs for a while now, then you’ve definitely heard this one more than once… and yet it bears repeating. This isn’t the glamorous side of having a website, but there’s nothing less glamorous than being hacked – or worse yet – having your customers’ information hacked. Always be sure to have all necessary security in place to protect your clients, yourself, and your website.

Give us a call anytime to discuss how you want your business to be seen by the world. 202-409-8113